Tuesday, August 28, 2012

And We're Off

This blog has been a long time coming.  I first published Empowering the Spirit at the end of 2005 right after I returned from a 3 week Shamanic Journey in Egypt.  I had been working on the book and working on living from the wisdom within it, for 10 years. Now, 7 years later I've re-introduced it on Amazon's Kindle where more people will have access to it should their Spirits' lead them in that direction.

In order to increase awareness of this book and to share ways to grow that are part of the process it offers, I am publishing this weekly blog. It will begin with a quote from Empowering the Spirit. Then I will ask you some questions to help you connect your individual process with the theme of the quote.  And lastly I will suggest an exercise to help deepen your growth and self-awareness in the area being presented.  Sound interesting?  Read on:

"Collectively we stand on a precipice, on the edge of an evolutionary leap, poised and ready to jump into the Unknown.  This leap is about becoming "Spirit-directed" rather than ego-directed. The old way has taught us to live by the dictates of our ego:  to operate out of a survival paradigm, which keeps us seeking love, acceptance, material security and approval from others.  This new ways asks us to empower ourselves so that we can align our lives with our spiritual nature.  It asks that we trust our intuitive guidance, open our hearts, and make a commitment to being mindful.  It asks that we free ourselves from societal expectations and from the opinions of others."

QUESTIONS to Ponder:

In what parts of my life do I feel most in harmony and therefore most Spirit-directed?  (Make a list and do your best to not overthink this...just write down whatever pops in.)

In what parts of my life do I feel heaviest, most worried, drained or powerless?  (Again make a list using the same process as above, and realize these are areas where your ego has its greatest strong-hold.)

Journal on the following:

When do I find myself giving my power to others because I want their love, acceptance or approval?  

What scares me most about the Unknown??

(You can do this for yourself by reading a few lines at a time, following the suggestions, closing your eyes until you can see or feel what is being suggested, and then open your eyes and go through the next few lines, repeating the process.  OR, you can tape this or do this with a friend where you each read to each other.)

Find a quiet comfortable place where you know you will not be disturbed.

Begin by taking some deep centering breaths. Breathe until you begin to let go of your day. Breathe until you begin to let go of your thoughts. Breathe until you begin to feel your body relax.  

Imagine you are on a beautiful hillside.  The sky above you is a vibrant shade of blue.  The sun beams down and warms your hair and your skin. You can hear birds chirping and singing, and perhaps water is flowing somewhere in the background.  There is a fragrance in the sweet crisp air, breathe deeply, notice and allow yourself to melt into the scene.  Pay attention to its beauty and peacefulness.  Touch the earth and the trees and the rocks and the flowers and just notice how they feel to your fingers and the palms of your hands.  Then find a comfortable place to sit back and look over this beautiful place.

Next see, as if projected before you, images of you at your most tense, at your most contracted, when you are feeling most powerless or most driven.  Just let those pictures and/or feelings arise in front of you and keep using your breath to stay centered and calm. Notice what is going on with your heart in that picture.

Then look in a different direction and allow images to come when you feel most connected to your Spirit. Perhaps you are doing Yoga or petting your dog or digging in your garden.  Perhaps you are eating a sumptuous meal or making love.  Again breathe deeply and notice whatever comes for you.  See how content you are and how open your heart feels.

Still staying in your relaxed mode, team up with the Spirit-connected part and just shower that tense part of yourself with love.  Pull in Divine love from your crown chakra, let in settle in your heart and then beam love to that part of yourself.  Let her or him know that it is fine to be tense and driven, but that it's okay and safe to let that go, to relax, to receive the love that you are sending their way.  

Notice what happens.  Whenever you are ready, bring yourself back to where you are sitting and breathe yourself back into the present.  As you do, make a commitment to keep sending yourself love when you notice you are tense or stressed or driven.  Pay attention, change may well be afoot.

As you go about your week, do your best to notice also when you are Spirit-connected and when you are not.  Notice when you are free of others' opinions and when you are not. Whatever it is you notice, give yourself credit for noticing and continue with your day.

I send you blessings and love on your journey.

   Don't have your kindle edition of Empowering yet?  
                                                                 it will be yours for $2.99.