We have created norms in our dysfunctional society that encourage us to be inauthentic and disconnected from Source; essentially to do the exact opposite from that which nurtures emotional and spiritual health and creates inner peace and well-being. Yet without continuous awareness the belief system behind those norms, which is usually passed down to us in childhood, can hold a powerful, unconscious and ultimately destructive influence in our lives.
1. What signs or symptoms do I get that let me know I am not being true to myself?
2. What inaccurate beliefs do I still carry from my childhood that tend to inhibit my ability to follow my intuition?
3. What are my greatest fears of stepping outside of conventional social norms?
4. What gifts have come my way when I've faced these fears and acted anyway?
Find a quiet comfortable place where you know you will not be disturbed.
(You can do this for yourself by reading a few lines at a time, close your eyes until you can see or feel what is being suggested, and then open your eyes and go through the next few lines repeating the process. OR, you can record this or share with a friend where you each read the visualization to one another.)
Begin by taking some deep centering breaths. Breathe until you begin to
let go of your day. Breathe until you begin to let go of your thoughts. Breathe
until you begin to feel your body relax. Send loving energy from your heart to all the cells in
your body. Then focus again on your breathing until you begin to sense
that place of utter stillness deep inside.
Transport yourself to a beautiful meadow. Take a moment to breathe in the fragrances. Feel the bright sun warming your hair and skin. Feast on the beauty of the colors and shapes before you. Walk around touching tree trunks and stones, grasses and leaves noticing their textures and their energy. Listen for the sounds in this meadow... birds chirping and cawing and singing, twigs crackling under your feet, perhaps you'll hear water somewhere in the distance. Fully experience yourself in this beautiful place and then breathe even more deeply.
As you are ready, begin to walk through your meadow until you come across a structure which feels like a temple or sanctuary. It may just be made of logs and branches, or it might be a grove of trees or perhaps it is a more elaborate with walls and doors and beautiful symbols on it. Just allow this to appear before you.
Spend some time looking at this sanctuary, experiencing it fully, and then when it feels right, enter into it and find a place to sit down. Know that this is your sacred space and you are fully protected here. Notice that as you take another deep centering breath, your sense of peacefulness becomes even more profound.
Now spend a few moments going inward. Notice what you are feeling. Notice the thoughts that move through your awareness. Then ask what it is that Spirit would most like you to know or to do next. Sit quietly and wait for your answer.
Notice what comes to you and how it comes to you. Notice too if any thoughts or feelings arise that want to contradict this. If Spirit wants you to do something specific, notice any fears or concerns that arise. Remember making fears and beliefs conscious takes some of their power away.
See yourself being able to act or resonate with the information you are being given, and notice how that feels in your heart. Carry this wisdom back with you through your meadow until you come to the place you began.
As you go through the coming week, keep Spirit's response in your mind. Do your best to take the actions most aligned with this as well as to notice any blocks and deal with anything that arises to interfere with this process.
Sending you love and blessings on your journey,
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