We all have some emotional blockages and old limited beliefs which interfere with the expression of our full soul potential, but the more inner work we've done, the more in flow we are able to be in our lives. Still, when it's time for new growth, the old patterns often resurface to get cleared at a deeper level. Perhaps you are finding that they are "up" for you as you read this. I've seen a few of mine arise lately and have been amazed how easily they release when I simply "let go" and keep my opening my heart.
1. What beliefs or old emotional patterns tend to arise for me when I step out of my comfort zone?
2. What strategies do I have to shift those beliefs and release the old emotions? Are there places or patterns in me where my strategies are not effective? If so, what resources do I have (people, books, etc.) to help me change this?
3. How in touch am I with my intuitive flow? Am I able to trust the inner wisdom within me pretty consistently? Or do I tend to second guess myself, and talk myself out of following my heart?
4. Take a look back through your life and ask yourself "What unfolded for me when I followed my intuition?" Ask too, "What outcomes did I create when I ignored my intuitive awareness?"
(You can do this for yourself by reading a few lines at a time, following the suggestions, closing your eyes until you can see or feel what is being suggested, and then open your eyes and go through the next few lines, repeating the process. OR, you can tape this or do this with a friend where you each read this to one another.)
Find a quiet comfortable place where you know you will not be disturbed.
Begin by taking some deep centering breaths. Breathe until you begin to let go of your day. Breathe until you begin to let go of your thoughts. Breathe until you begin to feel your body relax.
As you deepen your breath, focus on your body. Notice where you are tense and ask that those places of tension "let go." Notice where you are in flow. Send loving energy from your heart to all the cells in your body. Then focus more on your breathing until you begin to sense that place of utter stillness within.
Ask yourself "What does Spirit want from me right now?" Then quietly wait until your answer comes. You might hear the answer. It might come in the form of a symbol. You might just feel a sensation and have a sense of what that sensation is telling you. Just pay attention to whatever arises.
Next notice how you are responding to the messages you've received. Are you excited? Are you disappointed? Are you scared? Are you calm and clear? Notice if you feel empowered to carry out what is being suggested. Notice if old beliefs or emotions arise that want to impede your way. Create an intention to attend to whatever healing may have to be done in order to free you to stay in your intuitive flow. Create an intention to carry out that next step Spirit wants of you.
As you go through your week keep paying attention. Notice if you are remembering to follow your intentions. Periodically focus within and how aligned you feel with your Spirit. If you are out of alignment, do what you need to in order to reconnect.
Sending you love and encouragement.
If you like the quotes and process presented in this blog, be sure to
order the kindle edition of Empowering the Spirit from the link below.
(It will also be released in a new print edition in late Fall.)

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Don't have your kindle edition of Empowering the Spirit yet? Click http://www.amazon.com/dp/B008LW7H4Q