Our culture holds a belief system that we can only be worthy if we are perfect. It also holds a belief that we have to be worthy in order to deserve love. This has kept us in a pretty constant state of dysfunction and dissatisfaction, and certainly has contributed to the insanity of our ego-driven world. As we break through these beliefs, as we learn to open our hearts whenever we see our own imperfections or the imperfections of others, deep healing and transformation occurs.
1. In what areas of my life am I hard on myself?
2. What do I say to myself when I have made a mistake or in other ways have screwed up?
3. In what ways do I judge others when I see they are imperfect? What words do I use? What feelings arise in me?
4. What would change in my life if I could hold myself and all others in my heart, in compassion, whenever I saw imperfection of any kind? What would change if I could send love to myself and others every time I noticed a judgement arising?
(You can do this for yourself by reading a few lines at a time, following the
suggestions, closing your eyes until you can see or feel what is being
suggested, and then open your eyes and go through the next few lines, repeating
the process. OR, you can tape this or do this with a friend where you each read this to one another.)
Find a quiet comfortable place where you know you will not be disturbed.
Begin by taking some deep centering breaths. Breathe until you begin to let go of your day. Breathe until you begin to let go of your thoughts. Breathe until you begin to feel your body relax.
Find a quiet comfortable place where you know you will not be disturbed.
Begin by taking some deep centering breaths. Breathe until you begin to let go of your day. Breathe until you begin to let go of your thoughts. Breathe until you begin to feel your body relax.
As you do let an awareness arise of a judgement you've been holding about yourself or about someone else. Put that judgement into words and notice how that feels in your body. Ask yourself if there is anything that feels good about keeping that judgement? And just notice.
Now focus on your heart. You might want to rub your hands together and place them over your heart area so the warmth can help your heart relax and open. Imagine that you can draw Divine Love down through your crown chakra and pull it all the way to your heart. Notice as your heart becomes more and more relaxed and open.
Think of someone that you love: a spouse, a sibling, a child, a pet. Place that being in your heart feeling how easy it is to shower them with love. Spend a few minutes letting your love permeate them.
Now put an image of yourself in your heart, and shower yourself with that love. Breathe deeply and just feel this. If this is difficult, love yourself for trying. Know that you deserve all this love and more, no matter what.
Go back to the judgement you were holding. If it was about yourself, put a image of yourself doing whatever you are judging into your heart. Shower that image with love. Notice if it is easy. Notice if it is hard. Love yourself either way.
If the judgement was about another, do the same. Put an image of that person in your heart, and just notice if you can begin to melt that sense of harshness with the warmth of your love. Notice how good it feels for your heart to be open. Notice how free it feels to be able to hold yourself or others in compassion no matter what the behavior. Notice if you can put the entire planet into your heart and just hold it in love.
As you go through your week, do your best to notice when judgement arises. Love yourself for noticing, and then take a minute and put whoever you are judging in your heart best you can.
Wishing you love and blessings as you wander through the next several days,

Don't have your kindle edition of Empowering the Spirit yet? Click http://www.amazon.com/dp/B008LW7H4Q and for $2.99 it can be yours.
Don't have your kindle edition of Empowering the Spirit yet? Click http://www.amazon.com/dp/B008LW7H4Q and for $2.99 it can be yours.
This is wonderful Judith, Thank you so much. And your blog looks great!