It's always challenging to stay in alignment with our Spirit. Our egos have been conditioned to be very powerful and we have been programmed to believe fulfilling our ego-needs will help us survive (and maybe that used to be true.) So whenever we're not looking, our egos will jump back in bringing us our old insecurities and new ego-driven goals. Our egos will do what they do best which is to separate us from Source and interfere with our well-being. No big deal though. Just remember to notice. When you are feeling driven, overwhelmed or unhappy, it's a sure sign your ego has grabbed the steering wheel of your life. Take it back, put your Spirit in the driver's seat. Perhaps the following will help.
1. When do I notice Spirit is most active in my life?
2. What conditions do I create that unconsciously invites my ego back in. (For instance... do I get too busy? Do I forget to take care of myself... forget even to take deep centering breaths. Do I stop doing some sort of daily practice?)
3. What blessings have occurred when I've faced challenging times in my life and have shifted into a positive and appreciative attitude, surrendering to the leadership of my Spirit?
4. What beliefs might I carry that keeps me from doing this more consistently?
Find a quiet comfortable place where you know you will not be disturbed.
(You can do this for yourself by reading a few lines at a time, close your eyes until you can see or feel what is being suggested, and then open your eyes and go through the next few lines, repeating the process. OR, you can record this or share with a friend where you each read the visualization to one another.)
Begin by taking some deep centering breaths. Breathe until you begin to
let go of your day. Breathe until you begin to let go of your thoughts. Breathe
until you begin to feel your body relax. Send loving energy from your heart to all the cells in
your body. Then focus again on your breathing until you begin to sense
that place of utter stillness deep inside.
Transport yourself to a beautiful spot in nature. To a place which through its very beauty will put you into a state of deep relaxation. Spend some time looking at the vibrant colors and the physical beauty before you. Breathe in the fragrances. Feel the sun beaming down on you warming your hair, warming you skin. Listen for all the natural sounds, the birds singing and chirping, the leaves rustling in the breeze, perhaps the sound of water lapping up on the shore. Take a moment to touch the trees or the rocks or the sand, feeling their texture and their energy.
Find a comfortable place to sit looking out over this spot. And now, call to you an image of the most difficult challenge you are facing currently in your life. Let this image come to you in full force bringing whatever feelings it evokes in you. Take time to honor all these feelings. If you notice anger, see yourself stomping that challenge and stomping all those you might imagine are connected with it. If you notice sadness, see yourself crying and honor the grief which is arising. If you notice fear, take a deep centering breath, go into the fear and know that no matter how scared you may be, Divine protection always surrounds you. After you honor and see yourself expressing these feelings, allow them to release, to move on for the moment.
Take another deep centering breath and begin to focus on what is beautiful in your life. Focus on your loved ones, your friends, your pets. Focus on your garden or the beauty of the sky. Focus on your heart and how you can breathe Divine love in and out through it. Perhaps you will want to rub your hands together, place them over your heart, and notice as the tension begins to melt away.
Take another deep centering breath and begin to focus on what is beautiful in your life. Focus on your loved ones, your friends, your pets. Focus on your garden or the beauty of the sky. Focus on your heart and how you can breathe Divine love in and out through it. Perhaps you will want to rub your hands together, place them over your heart, and notice as the tension begins to melt away.
Now imagine that you can beam Divine love to those challenges. Notice what happens to the feeling of challenge as the love arises. Is it softening? Is the stress beginning to melt away? Are you aware that you can hold this current challenge with all the feelings it evokes and hold a joyful heart at the same time?
Ask for an understanding of why this challenge is in your life right now. Ask how this experience can help your soul development. Ask what blessings might be hidden within it.
As you go through the coming week, notice your challenges and do your best to honor your feelings, to beam them with love and to remember to uncover the hidden blessings.
Sending you love and wishes for ease on your journey,
If you like the quotes and process presented in this blog, be sure to order the kindle edition of Empowering the Spirit from the link below. (It will also be released in a new print edition in late Fall.)
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