"When the Divine enters, Consciousness enters. And from Consciousness, all else is created. If we allow our fears to control us, we interfere with this process and lose its gifts. If we surrender to it, we live in a state of protection, facing all challenges with an open heart and empowered Spirit which gives us ongoing access to Universal Wisdom and the joy of being in the flow of life."
Ah, dear Reader, how much are you allowing the Divine to enter? And, how much am I?
What huge irony that our egos resist and fear this ever-available path to joy and bliss. As my 3-1/2 year old grandson would say, "Dammit!"
(okay so sometimes he says something worse, but his parents are working on that.)
The paperback edition of EMPOWERING THE SPIRIT: A Process to Activate Your Soul Potential has been launched. The first round of Empowering ONLINE Part One is over, (http://www.empoweringthespirit.com/OL/) and my preparation for it is finally and fully complete. Our influx of visitors for the last month have come and gone and now there's some space for me to look more deeply within and to pay attention not just to the symphony of the birds and the amazing mountain vistas outside my doors and windows, but to whatever Spirit may be asking of me right now. And one thing it's asking is for me to notice just how much I'm allowing the Divine to enter my life.
Throughout all the busyness of the last several months, I find quite unexpectedly, that I seem less attached to most outcomes: my kids' lives, my work, my life, even my book sales. Not sure how that happened. (Could it be 40 years of daily practice, prayer and awareness?
"Nah," answers my silly human mind, "I might do this daily, but just for a short time, so does that really count?" ) Clearly the Divine is not in my life enough to keep me from second-guessing myself, nor does it appear I've released attachment to the "never enough" syndrome -- ahhh the trials of being in human form.
I get stuck in another odd place. There's nothing hard in my life right now. (Amazing what we,okay I, can find to whine about.) I've allowed the Divine in enough to find myself at almost 67, living in a way that far exceeded my young dreams and I had some pretty big dreams. The only thing that's not aligned for me in the present is knowing how much and in what way to get my work more out into the world. The conventional rout of spending my life savings, or even a portion of it on a publicist, or on conventional marketing techniques isn't going to work because it just doesn't feel right. But where exactly does this leave me? If my teachings are supposed to be shared, y'all are going to need to find me, and hopefully spread the word, but that will only happen if I keep the Divine flowing through. And if I can stay conscious enough to know when I'm not letting that door open as wide as it needs to open.
How about you, brother and sister Earthlings? Where's the Divine showing up in your life? Where are you slamming the door it Its face? Is it fun to slam the door? Maybe you are quieter about it, just closing it firmly and putting a chair in front of it. Hmmm, does that feel safer? And just what would happen if you let it all go? If you let that door swing open knowing you could activate whatever courage was being asked of you? Are you ready to accept the challenge? how about to accept joy? What about bliss? How about giving up attachment to whatever you like to be attached to? .... Something to ponder.
The old ways and old illusions are eroding away as new waves of consciousness arise on our planet, but change is slow and typically anxiety-producing. To align our highest and most loving ideals with physical reality in the big world is a tall order. And first and foremost we need to do this within each of us.
So what does it take for you and me to keep that door fully open? To let change blow in however it needs to and to stay in our inner Stillness? To release the control of knowing what's ahead, and knowing only what's within. Perhaps we will walk together with that question for a while.
Wishing you all love and blessings.
(Please read below if you are curious about my offerings.)
The next round of my online course to activate your soul's potential begins again on July 22nd, with the Free Preview Teleconference on Sunday, July 14, 2013 at 6:30 PM EDT.
This course is designed to help you unleash your full soul potential, to step more fully into both your authentic self and your sacred purpose, and to activate your co-creative abilities in a way
that not only transforms your life, but life on our planet.
This course works best for people who connect with Spirit through guided meditation, who love to journal, who are self-directed and can set a time once or twice a week for this process. If this describes you, this course will bring you great results. And, I'm still offering it for the special rate of $50. For more information go to
www.empoweringthespirit.com/OL or email me at healingconcepts@hotmail.com
To order EMPOWERING THE SPIRIT: A Process to Activate Your Soul Potential
from Amazon.com, click the title